Bees, butterflies, birds, and bats are all very important to our daily lives, because they pollinate many of our favorite fruit and vegetable plants. Their work helps ensure that our garden plot will provide much for us to snack on too! These delightful creatures are also beautiful to see, and interesting to watch while they busily work throughout the Community Garden.
In this camp, children will spend much time in the P-Patch and Demonstration Orchard, where its easy to observe pollinators in action and see the fruits of their labors. They will plant and harvest food crops, learn how to "bee safe", and how to identify the differences between bees and other look-alikes. They will also give our bat house a fresh new coat of paint, and make pollinator signs. Last but not least, they will help put together a "bee condo", to attract orchard mason bees (a valuable, non-stinging, native bee that ensures better pollination of all fruit trees and shrubs).
Nature crafts will include potting up pollinator plants to grow at home, making a friendly caterpillar, and picking a pollinator bouquet!
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